FOUND: Another Old Genealogy of John Pettit (1608) Hand Written by Elnora Pettit (1808-1886), Daughter of Dr. James Pettit (1777-1849) and Lucy Felt (1777-1859)

Preface by Pettit Research Project
What follows is a transcribed account of some of the John Pettit (1608-1662) family history as written by Elnora Pettit DELVIN (1808-1886) who was the daughter of Dr. James Pettit and Lucy Felt. This history appears to have been written for Elnora’s granddaughter, a daughter of Lucy Delvin BAILY. It was compiled from personal experience, recollections of stories passed down, as well as from ancient letters and records in the possession of her sister, Harriet Pettit, which stretched back into the late 1700s. Elnora’s account starts by retelling an 1825 record taken down by her brother William Pettit from his interview of their grandfather, Captain Johnathan Pettit (1753-1835). Elnora began this family history project in 1864 and concluded it on July 20, 1878. The primary focus of her writing was her mother, Lucy Felt Pettit, who she affectionately called “Golden Hair”. However, a good number of other family members and other figures are discussed.

Excerpt from Elnora Pettit letter summarizing the 1825 account of the Pettit genealogy given by Captain Jonathan Pettit.
Following her self-described conclusion in July of 1878, in November of that same year, her sister Harriet died, and Elnora inherited the family records which had been in her sister’s possession. She described these records as “voluminous”. It would seem she also came to possess 38 letters written between her brother William Harrison Pettit and his wife Hannah BARLOW. William worked as a clerk in Washington DC in the war years from 1863 up until the time of his accidental death in 1865. The sum of all these records eventually found their way into the hands of one Mr. Paul Durrie. Mr. Durrie’s wife, Marion Lucille Waldron, was the daughter of Edward Moorhouse and Lucy Orinda Pettit. Lucy Orinda Pettit was William Harrison Pettit’s daughter and a niece to the author of this account.
Elnora Pettit and William Harrison Pettit’s father, Dr. James Pettit is known for inventing the Pettit Eye Salve later sold by the Howard Brothers, as well as his family’s involvement in the underground railroad prior to Lincoln’s War. Many of his children were involved in the abolition movement. Perhaps the most prominent was Eber M. Pettit whose memoirs were published in Sketches in the History of the Underground Railroad in 1879. (A full PDF version of this book is available for download in the Documents section of this website.)
This branch of Pettits was well educated and careful to preserve their lineage to the 1600s. Aside from the account which is the subject of this article, there are at least two other accounts, both of which are senior to this one. These early accounts traced their lineage to the Pettits of Sharon, CT and a John Pettit born around 1608. It is said that the Pettits came to New Rochelle, NY from France at the time of the revocation of the Edit of Nantes which doesn’t easily square with the historical timeline presented. Nevertheless, this tradition is firmly cemented in the written and oral history of this Pettit clan and should not be dismissed without considering the root of the legend .
From other records, Elnora Pettit’s lineage appears to be as follows:
- Elnora Pettit (1808-1886)
- Dr. James Pettit (1777-1849) + Lucy Felt (1777-1859)
- Captain Jonathan Pettit (1752-1835) +Agnes Riddell (1752-1833)
- John Pettit (1720-1754) + Hannah Dunham (1721-1805)
- Jonathan Pettit (1693-1772) +Hannah Holly (1694-1739)
- John Pettit (1668-1715) +Mary Bates (1671-1702)
- John Pettit (1638-1676) +Sarah Scofield (1645-)
- John Pettit (1608-1662) +Debrow (-1654)
Dr. James Pettit and his wife Lucy Felt (“Golden Hair”) had the following children:
- Samantha Pettit (1798-1871)
- Sophronia Pettit (1800-1855)
- Dr. Eber Moffat Pettit (1802-1885)
- James Jacob Pettit (1804-1877)
- Lucy Maria Pettit (1806-1812)
- Elnora M. Pettit (1808-1886)
- Harriet Pettit (1810-1878)
- Samuel Felt Pettit (1812-1812)
- William Harrison Pettit (1813-1865)
- Charles Pettit (1815-1868)
- Melancton Smith Pettit (1818-1878)
- Lucy Marie Pettit (1821-1821)
With the background given above, the family history produced by Elnora Pettit can be understood in its original context. The account is full of details which can easily be verified and other private information which simply cannot. Be that as it may, the reader is advised to weigh this source carefully and respectfully. The transcription has been produced as near to the original form as possible with minimal comments, edits, or corrections.
The pages that focus on the history of the Sharon. CT, descendants of John Pettit (1608-1662) will be presented below. They represent just the 6 pages that focus on the Pettit family out of the entire 18-page document. The full transcription will be included in another article which will be published soon.
Family Reminiscence by Elnora Pettit c 1864
Transcribed by B. W. Pettit at Pettit Research, March 29, 2022
Note: Researchers may freely copy this transcription but are asked to please cite the source similar to what is exemplified below.
[Written on the front and back of old ledger pages with two columns per page. Pages 12-17 transcribed below. They are numbered page 6-9 in the original. The complete transcription and paper including the source will be published in a separate article.]Sample Citation: Pettit, B.W., “FOUND: Another Old Genealogy of John Pettit (1608) Hand Written by Elnora Pettit (1808-1886), Daughter of Dr. James Pettit (1777-1849) and Lucy Felt (1777-1859)”, The Pettit Research Project, March 29, 2022.
“First draft of my family reminiscence” by Elnora Pettit (b1808)
Page 1, Column 1
- March 12 1864 I began to write out
- the following notes. the few scanty
- incidents my memory still retained
- of my mother’s history in a series
- of letters to my little granddaughter
- afterwards at one time when I
- was in Utica I thought to copy
- them but as some of the letters
- had been mislaid I could
- only get a few of the first
- and then, thinking the record
- worth preserving in the family
- I copy these here, and continue
- the history as I remember it
- from my mother’s lips at
- different intervals and circum-
- stances called it out
- [pencilled in by different hand] M Delvin Elnora b Mar 12-1808 d 1886 Sister Wm H Dunkirk
- written to Lucy Delvin Baily’s daughter
- [original writing] Dunkirk March, 12 64
- My Dear little Sunbeam
- This you
- see is my birthday, it is like
- wise your grandmother Baily’s
- sister Disney’s birthday.
- Ninety nine years ago today
- the child was introduced into the household, into the affections
- of the family, who lived just
- eighty years. That seems long
- a very long time to you my dear,
- you may ask why I write
- these things to you, I answer
- that since the day of her death
- the day I was forty years
- old, she has been associated
- in my mind with the day,
- she being just forty years older
- than myself, I asked your
- mother some time since
- why you did not write me,
- and if you would do so
Page 1, Column 2
- I would give you an incident of the
- revolution. And here it is, as I had
- it from one who now sleeps —
- In the bright month of June 1777
- the bells of the plain old wooden
- in the town of Somers Con
- rang cheerily calling together,
- on that still sabbath morning
- a little band of the descendants
- of the puritans, Mr Backus[1] the
- reverend pastor and as always
- the case in those days, was a
- father of his flock. venerable
- in appearance, affectionate and
- mild in demeanour. The women
- and children who comprised the
- congregation, with the exception
- of a few aged men, for all the
- middle aged, and youth had
- gone to the war, were surprized
- by the entrance, during divine
- service, of a tall powerfully built
- man, dressed in the uniform of
- the American party, in the
- war of the revolution. He
- venerably doffed his military
- cap as he entered the sanctuary
- walked up the aisle, as one familiar
- with the people, and seated himself
- by the side of a woman whose
- countenance betakened fi****
- and decision of character , a true
- woman, such as the times
- A little boy XXXXX
- about three years of age nestled
- close to her side, while other
- children ranging from that age
- up to others in their teens, made
- room for the stranger. The
- dark eyed woman’s husband
Page 2, Column 1
- had been gone to the war many
- She had borne with
- patience and fortitude, the burdens
- of the household, attending to the
- farming interests, manufactured
- from wool and flax, without the
- aide of machinery, all the
- garments worn by the family,
- as well as all the bed and table
- linens, cared for the aged parents
- of her husband, whose years
- numbered four score.
- She had passed through mothers
- X a little fair, brown
- eyed, golden haired baby of
- three months old, she left in the
- cradle, in the care of an elder
- sister, while she went to worship
- God in his sanctuary.
- Perchance this stranger could
- tell her something of her
- husband, she could not sit
- meekly till the close of the
- services, she turns a look
- of inquiring, when Lo! she
- discovers that this seeming
- stranger is her husband
- under that disguise of a military
- uniform, that captain’s hat
- and continental coat
- is it strange that she did not
- recognize him? During his
- months of absence, he had been
- promoted, and the transformation
- of the stalwart famer in his
- suit of homespun, to an officer
- in the army of his country
- was so perfect; no wonder the
- devoted wife did no at once
- recognize him, her husband
- those loving children, their father
Page 2, Column 2
- after the benediction, what hearty
- welcomes did the veteran soldier
- receive from his kinsfolk and
- townspeople, from the silver
- haired God fearing aged man
- and woman, to the blushing
- maiden who gives her hand,
- hoping to get tidings of an absent
- father, brother, perchance lover/
- April 24, 1867
- My Darline Sunbeam I
- have delayed answering your affectionate
- letters, longer than I intended, Have just
- read over your last, and see that it is
- dated nearly a month ago. You did
- not say, how you liked my little
- incident of the revolution, whether
- you were interested in the little golden
- haired baby or not, but I tale it
- for granted that you were, and
- will proceed to give a little more of
- her history, for I came to know her
- very intimately- Though I know but
- little of the first seventeen years of
- her life. Her father was a farmer
- both before and after the eight years
- war, in which he took a vert
- active part during the entire period
- as well as the two previous wars,
- one call by the people the old
- French War, the other the old Indian
- war, though perhaps I have reversed
- the order. There was a very large
- family, and little golden hair, as
- she grew up was instructed by
- her mother in all domestic duties
- and assisted in her labours, attending
- the district school winters, thus
- acquiring the rudiments of education
- for in that day, all advantages for
- the acquirement of knowledge, was
Page 3, Column 1
- extremely limited. As I said before,
- there was a very large family, and the
- taxes after the war very high, In
- consequence, her father sold his farm [pencilled in not in margin] * In the year 1794
- on the banks of the Connecticut river, and
- came into the state of New York, which
- at that period, was almost an unbroken
- forest, west of the city and county of
- Albany, He located himself on the
- fertile banks of the Chenango River in
- Madison County, (at that period
- however names were not given
- to counties of town, but they were
- numbered, well it Is not necessary
- to my story to tell how, even if I
- knew) His farm extended along its
- banks a mile in length and of suitable
- width which farm is still in the
- possession of his descendants, Before
- moving the family on, the father and
- oldest brother, came and cleared a
- small patch of land, built a large
- double substantial log house, and
- raised a crop of corn and potates
- for the substinance of the family, when
- they should arrive the ensuing winter
- and till another crop could be raised
- In due time they bade adieu to home
- and its associations, to a large circle of
- relatives and kind neighbors, to the old house
- that had sheltered two or three generations
- of the family (built substantially after the
- fashion of the time, a hall running through
- the center, and spare rooms, two
- each side) where sons and daughters
- had been born, where the aged parents
- had been carried out, and buried beside
- other pioneers of that fair valley;
- together with the infant and the middle
- aged, Thus they set forth, with only
- a few household utensils, and
Page 3, Column 2
- comforts for the warm months, in a
- sleigh drawn by a pair of oxen
- on a journey which occupied three weeks,
- (In these days of railroads the
- same journey could almost be
- accomplished in as many hours)
- through almost unbroken forests.
- Utica was a small settlement with
- one little red store and a very
- few log houses, at that time
- Between that place, and their from
- in the Chenango, there was no
- roads, but they picked their
- way along by blazed trees,
- The streams had not been
- bridged, and a recent thaw
- and consequent freshet made
- them all the more difficult
- to ford. When they were within
- about five miles of their new
- home, they came to a small new
- log house and stopped to enquire
- the way and where and how they
- could cross the Chenango only a
- husband and wife lived there
- pioneers like themselves. The
- wife was very pretty and in
- delicate health and the sympathies
- of both golden hair and her
- mother were excited for her
- after resting there a short time
- making mutual and friendly inquiries
- they proceeded on their journey the
- last five miles of that long tedious
- Just one week afterward, the
- husband of this same delicate woman
- came to ask goldenhair to go home
- with him to nurse his wife, who
- in giving birth to a dead infant,
- was herself nearing the dark
- valley, Golden hair turned to
Page 4, Column 1
- her mother for instructions how to act
- who declined to decide for her, After
- deliberating in her own mind, remembering
- that pale woman’s looks her sympathy
- for her away from home of her
- childhood and friend, she told the stranger she would go, The mother gave
- her words of approbation that she was
- obeying in act, the precepts of the
- golden rule.
- April 12, 1868
- Thanks my child for the crows send
- in momma’s letter, a delicate offering
- on the altar of filial affection
- your letter of the thirteenth of March
- brought some very pleasing scraps
- of your pleasure of mind, as well as
- some very painful intelligence
- you mention your mother so lovingly
- little Downie’s improving health,
- news from papa in Rome, and
- a kind little message from Jimmie
- with many other things all pleasant
- to remember. The decease of your
- two little cousins was a very sad
- Did you ever think my
- child whit if it had happened in
- your own family? What if the
- agent of death had called home
- two of your mama’s little ones?
- How could she have borne it?
- How would your papa have
- felt to have returned and found
- two empty chairs as the table
- two little heads from their pillows
- two bright eager faces shut
- from his sight forever? oh no!
- think of it darling——–
- I think golden hair was just starting
- with the stranger to nurse his
- wife, She was actuated by
Page 4, Column 2
- the true womanly instincts of her nature
- left to do so by XX her kind mother
- Golden hair shrank not, tho her path lay
- through the solemn leafless woods. The
- spring perfect being at its height
- she knew the unbridged streams would
- have to be forded, yet she hesitated
- In after years she remarked that
- she sometimes wondered how she
- dared start out with an entire stran-
- ger, but her confidence was not
- misplaced, and she never regretted
- the act, she said likewise that
- notwithstanding the privations and toil
- and waitings of pioneer life, she
- never enjoyed herself as well at
- any period of her life, the
- settlers were all so kind to each
- other, and ready to help in every
- emergency They were obligated to
- trust and depend on each other
- They were a brotherhood
- as before mentioned, the home
- of this man was five miles distant
- driving at the stream of water
- She sat down on a fallen tree
- and drew off her shoes and stock
- ings waded through and on
- the opposite bank drew them in again
- She was absent from her home only
- a week during that brief space
- she had stood by a death bed
- she and the husband only witnessing
- the last gasp, the final adieu
- A new grave was made in the
- wilderness ^far from the scenes of
- Jan 12 1869
- My Darling Sunbeam I promised in
- my last to continue the history of Goldenhair
- I think it had been brought down to the time
- of their arrival at this new home in the
Page 5, Column 1
- wilderness in the rich valley of Chenango
- It is so long since my last letter was written
- I may be guilty of repetition and I may make
- mention of something I may have omitted
- in previous letters In either case you will
- excuse me my little Sunbeam. Have I mentioned that the previous years her father
- and brother had made a little clearing and
- build a large double log house The floors
- of which were split from solid tree
- with axe and butt, doors likewise and
- rude shelves and dressers and a table
- settle also, stools and benches, against
- the time of need, The doors were hung
- on wooden hinges, wooden latches with
- a string, as in the days of Red Riding
- IN the centre of the house to accom
- odate both rooms there was constructed
- a huge chimney of stone that would
- stand fire, laid up and cemented with
- a mortar which they knew hot to
- improvise as do all pioneers, topped out
- with both[?] like sticks and covered one
- with the same mortar to secure the
- tenement against fire, One can
- hardly imagine the sensation the first
- sight of that new home erected in the
- breasts of that weary travel worn family.
- Three long weeks that had journeyed, through
- snow and rain and mud, covering
- streams of water that had never been
- The mother worn by much
- toil, and great hardship dragged
- slowly along by the patient oxen,
- the younger ones nestling close to her
- the elder carrying the monotony
- of each ^now passing day by a brisk walk as
- when the snow became soft and
- the laden sleigh ploughed the
- ground pciked their way on
- foot through slopes and mud
Page 5, Column 2
- What we may mainly try to conceive were
- their impressions as for the first time
- crossed that threshold methinks I see the
- elder brother, who had a little family of his
- own, hurry on ahead, open the door and
- hasten to light a fire, by means of his
- tender box, (for matches had not then
- been invented) and faggots and wood care-
- fully in the store for this very time of need
- and by the time parent, wife, children,
- brothers, and sisters fifteen in all
- arrived, a roaring fire was lighting
- up the rough log tenement, imparting
- warmth and cheerfulness. The settle
- which careful hands and loving harts
- had constructed , was drawn into the
- corners, stools and benches occupying
- places continuous to the fire ready to
- accommodate the expectant family. The
- younger embers of the family group
- might have been eager to explore
- the new tenement, the elder ones, more
- mature in their feelings, waited on the
- mother now so broken in health, by
- the hardships of a life amidst wars and
- revolutions arranging for her
- comfort unpacking and brining in
- the few things they had brought along
- on their ox sled, on a journey more
- real hardships and provisions than a
- trip around the United States in
- across the continent, would be more
- a new life now begins, a new history
- to be inscribed on there rough
- unhewed walls. And now a repast
- is improvised, potatoes raised in the
- little clearing by the labour of father and
- brothers the summer before, was brought
- from the cellar, a jonny cake made
- and baked after the primitive fashion
Page 6, Column 1
- was soon smoking on the table
- furnished by those same loving hands
- primitive as were all the preparations
- course and rough the surroundings – a
- hearty thanks giving went up to the ***
- Father from bowed heads and grateful
- hearts who and sustained them to this
- journey’s end. A blessing was ****
- and that first meal in the wilderness
- was eaten with joy and gratitude.
- Indian corn like the potatoes, the
- growth of a previous year, was
- stored away in the chambers, and
- notwithstanding ^the mill was by their
- crooked paths forty miles distant
- at Utica and they were obliged
- to carry their grain on horse-back
- by **** trees yet this family
- never went hungry and when the
- weather was bad and paths impassable
- they hulled this wheat and corn
- after the Indian method
- The homestead was seated near to a
- singing brooklet, that sparkled along through
- the garden plot and down yard ***
- the very canes and wound gaily along till
- lost in the waters of the Chenango
- The veteran soldier, with his fine stalwart
- sons, now gone battle to the ground and
- forest trees. Disturbing the haunts of
- the beast of prey that made night hideous
- with their howlings scaring the younger
- children with their screams so like a
- human voice in distress, sot that by said
- times their clearing was considerably
- enlarged – In this work of producing a new
- home n a new country, there was no
- time for homesickness, their hands were
- too constantly employed, to be any room
- for regrets for home and friends left
- in the smiling valley of the Connecticut
Page 6, Column 2
- The change however was not favourable to the
- health of the mother, She was one pleasant day
- walking with golden hair through the cleared
- fields now nodding with the springing corn about
- which they were talking, when she remarked that
- she should not live to see it harvested, About
- this time, the father was obliged to take a journey
- back to the old homeplace, to settle up his business
- and receive payment on the old farm which
- would take about six weeks to accomplish in
- those slow days of horseback travel.
- The mother was as comfortable as she had
- been since their removal, so that he felt
- no misgivings about leaving home, but he
- had not been absent only a few days when
- she was attacked with apoplexy, and died
- in the third fit. Poor golden hair! Their
- nearest neighbor were four miles distant
- and so she had to help lay out her
- own mother, A beautiful spot in the
- bend of the river was selected under
- the leafy branches of the grand old trees
- and there they made the first grave
- They bore her there, the mother, whose
- life of hardships had, as we look at things
- XXX shortened her days, which numbered only
- forty eight years. What a home to return
- to, surely that death in the wilderness
- must have strengthened the bonds of
- family affection. Golden hair with her
- heart surely stricken had now to assume
- the responsibilities of housekeeper of
- Mother to the younger ones, How they
- all yearned for the return of the father
- widowed during his absence, But the
- news had reached him before he got
- home . Ah, did he not miss her, whom
- in her careless girlhood he had won
- from others, her who in all the trails
- of their united lives had proved herself
- worthy of his love—
Page 7, Column 1
- It was now that the real hardships of life
- began with goldenhair the grief for the
- mother’s loss, the labours required at her
- hands to keep in order the household
- the manufacture from the raw material
- of flax and wool, for the necessary
- garments of such a numerous
- family, with only the assistance of
- two young sisters, of the ages of
- thirteen and ten, were burdens which
- she bore faithfully and without a murmur.
- She was small, with small hands
- and feet but a head and brain
- rounded and even in its ************
- indicative of her native force
- of character and practical good
- common sense. She sprang from
- a plain, honest, brake loyal stock, of
- Welch origin, that were clanish enough
- to keep pure the Welch blood. She
- was of the fifth generation of Landy
- long lived people. Her great great
- grandfather with two brothers made
- a settlement at casco bay not many
- years after landing at Plymouth
- He was killed in his own house
- while defending his house from an
- attack of the Indians. His son golden hairs
- great grandfather was also killed
- by the Indians in battle, some
- of the family had naturally made
- their way down the coast towards
- the first settlements and her own
- grandfather either by purchase or
- inheritance, I do not know which
- owned a third of the then town
- of Lynn. He was born in the
- year 1698 in consequence it must
- have been early in the next
- century that he immigrated
Page 7, Column 2
- to the town of Sommers in Connecticut
- The journey at that early date was so
- long and perilous, that people bade
- their friends a solemn adieu never
- expecting to see them again. In his
- case it proved true, and he never
- returned to dispose of his lands
- and for many years quit claim
- deeds were given of these lands
- if not still. He lived to see ninety
- 90 years. Boston became an important
- city and Lynn likewise. From after
- his death, his heirs which were
- not many numerous got together
- to take measures to recover the
- property [Here appears three asterisks which corresponds to this note written in the margin] They hired a man to go on and investigate, but before he got through he died and they thought it was a sign that God did not approve the plans and [end of note] they being very
- conscientious made up their minds
- that it would not be just, the
- property had increased so much
- in value and it had been so
- long since their ancestor had
- left it at such loose[?] ends
- War in his day was a part of the
- business of every man. He was made
- Captain in the war with the French
- or Indians, and that was his title as
- long as he lived, as was that of golden
- hair’s father. We cannot bring our
- minds to appreciate the difference
- between this time and that, Then
- all journeys were undertaken on
- horse-back ^Nor can we appreciate the
- spirit of enterprise of our ancestors
- that enabled them to push their way
- through the unknown forests among
- many savage beats, and more savage
- It was a long tedious weary
- some journey at that time from
- Boston to the Connecticut river
- and when the grandfathers drew
- **** in front of an Inn, There
Page 8, Column 1
- stood in the door was a young girl, [note in blue ink]Name McKlbre They had left off the Mc[end note] and
- under the excitement of seeing a stranger
- with golden locks, clad in yellow
- brown homespun as was the tule
- invariably at that period, and riding
- a sorel mare, she turned to her
- mother and said yellow man
- yellow mare, yellow coat and
- yellow hair, she afterwards became
- his wife, and the mother of his
- three children one son, golden
- hair’s father, and two daughters
- one of them married a Mr. Griswold
- and settled at Warehouser Point, the
- other a Mr. Colton and I think settled
- at Enfield and it was through her
- that the slight relationship
- exists between goldenhair and
- Roots whose maiden name
- was Elizabeth Ke***. The wife having
- died many years before her husband
- and he married the second wife
- a high tempered woman of Scotch
- lineage, a widow I think with
- children by the first husband but
- none by the second, Golden hairs
- father lived in the same house
- with his father ^ by whom it was built who, I have heard
- her say was one who communed
- daily with his God, who possessed
- great evenness of mind, the
- aged couple cooked their own
- meals and sat at their own table
- until the death of the wife, which
- occurred not many years previous
- to that of the grandfather, which
- happened in 1788 he being
- in his ninety first year.
- Golden hair was one of thirteen children
- one of whom died in infancy
- The elder of the family was
Page 8, Column 2
- accidentally shot in the thigh while out
- hunting wild turkeys with a friend the
- friend mistaking him for his game
- through the bushes. He was obliged to
- have it amputated the mother attend
- ing by him and holding volatile salts
- to his nose. During the operation
- poor mother, the leg healed but he
- died in three months of consumption
- The amputated leg was put into a box
- to be buried but was too small
- and it had to be crowded in. After
- a few hours he began to complain
- of pain in that limb, and it became
- so bad that, the box was exhumed
- and the leg turned over, some person
- being curious to know if there was
- anything in it, and time p**** ****
- to satisfy them. The sick man himself
- not knowing anything of what was
- going on, when the leg was turned
- over, that very instant he exclaimed
- “now it feels better: Golden hair’s
- solution of the question was that
- “sensation was not cut off with
- the leg and I thin it is as good
- a one as can be given. That brother’s
- name was Elijah. The next eldest
- brother Jehiel, was apprenticed to a
- blacksmith in Hartford, he was
- sixteen years old when the war
- of the revolution broke out, being
- not of suitable age to enlist where
- he was from, he ran away
- and enlisted at Hartford and was
- all through the war and in the war
- of 1812 he distinguished himself
- was wounded at the battle of
- Trenton and received captain’s
- pension as long as he lived.
- was one of the earliest settlers
Page 9, Column 1
- of the city of Rochester, died at
- that place in the fall of 1843 and was buried
- with military honors and occupied
- the first grave ^made in Mount Hope
- cemetery in that city
- There is an incident connected with the
- early line of the parents, worthy of record.
- The mother whose maiden name was
- Mahettable Buell, was engaged to be
- married to a young man of the place
- This young man being acquainted with
- the father invited him to call with
- him in his ladie-love, when as
- is not unusual now, he soon
- instituted a suit for himself and
- was successful of course these
- young men were sworn enemies
- after that. They were both in NY
- at the time our troops were
- obliged to execute in such
- mad haste I n the Revolutionary
- The father was a tall frame
- man, built for strength, the other
- weighed three hundred pounds
- As they were each running their
- own way, the father overtook the
- man whom he had so cruelly
- ***** in the long *** being
- exhausted on the ground The
- father and looked at him, when
- the man said “leave me to die
- take care of yourself.” He passed
- on a few steps, when a sense
- if the wrong he had done him
- made him pause and return
- to the exhausted man whom
- he lifted to his shoulder, and
- ran thus three miles, for which
- act of humanity the old fued
- was forgotten. The old friendship
- renewed, which was not again broken
Page 9, Column 2
- Notwithstanding, the untimely loss of her
- mother, and the consequent increase
- of cares and responsibilities, Goldenhair
- after remarked in after years, that
- Those spent in the early settlement
- were among the most pleasant of
- her life, It would have been otherwise
- had she been unfaithful to her
- trusts, of course she met with
- perplexities each day, as what
- women living does not who has
- the management of a household
- but she only remembered that
- which had given her enjoyment
- The many people of the settlement
- would after meet a her father’s
- house of an evening, which they
- XXX spent in amusements
- of their own improvising, Often
- the parties would dance to
- her music which in those
- days was quite famous, she
- had a voice which in those
- times would have been a ****
- to her, She stood in the door
- one day and sand a song which
- was heard distinctly three quarters
- of a mile and the song and singer
- recognized by persons at that
- distance, At onetime she walked
- four miles to return a visit of a
- neighbor, During the afternoon the
- mother and her daughter enter
- tained her with neigh hood
- gossip showing up in the
- light of her mischievous disposition
- When she went about getting tell
- she says now Lucy what do
- you think of our neighbors
- she answered without stopping
- to think that when she
Page 10, Column 1
- people talk about their neighbors
- she though they would talk
- about her as soon as her
- back was turned. Her face
- tingled after she had thus
- reprimanded the woman for
- she was young, nevertheless
- it was true, goldenhair’s figure
- was small but well developed.
- She was not beautiful only so far
- as beauty of character goes,
- though she had a fresh and
- very smooth fair complexion
- golden locks and oft brown eyes
- and she attracted many a suiter
- none of whom met her views
- of came up to the standard
- of her ideal until at a large
- party or wedding, she noticed
- a strange young genetlman
- she noticed that he was very
- riveting in his manner
- and of his name when she
- came to hear it she made a
- great deal of fun, finally as
- wine was served she out of pure
- mischief went to him and drank
- his ***** the beginning of an
- acquaintance which grew in interest
- in all their future years.
Page 10, Column 2
[Note this poem appears on loose paper in different writing attached to second column of this page]- And parted thus, they rest, who played
- Beneath the same green tree,
- Whose voices mingled, as they prayed
- Around one parent knee.
- They that with smiles lit up the hall,
- And cheered with song the nearth
- Alas! for love, if thou wer’t all,
- And nought beyond, Oh; death!
Page 11, Column 1
- “In the year 1695 Lewis fourteenth of France
- Revoked the edict of Nantez granted by Henry
- fourth for the toleration of the protestant
- While their worship was supressed
- their churches demolished, and their minis-
- ters banished, the protestant layety were
- forbidden under the most rigorous penalties
- to quit the kingdom. France however by
- this measure, lost above 500,000 of the
- most industrious and useful subjects,
- and the name of Lewis fourteenth is
- execrated to this day” Among the [Note #1: This quotation appears to be copied from a book titled Elements of General History: Ancient and Modern by By Lord Alexander Fraser Tytler Woodhouselee and published in 1831]
- many who found a welcome in the new
- world, were three young men, Hugonuts
- who being pursued, escaped in a small
- boat in the harbor of Rochelle, and em-
- barked in a vessel which lay at anchor
- in the bay. When but a little way from
- the shore, they saw the baffled troops
- of their royal murderers, it is not for
- a certainty known where they landed
- at all events it is ^a certainty that they selec-
- ted a place for a home, and named it
- New Rochelle, after their home in France
- Which still bears that name. It is situated
- on the coast of Long Island Sound not far
- distant from NY City. The year is
- not known in which they made their
- escape nor whether they were brothers one
- two, or three, Pettitt was the name of one at
- least and from him is descended all of
- that name, now very numerous.
- In my possession is a record given by
- my grandfather Johnathan Pettit, taken from
- his lips by my brother William, about
- the year 1825, of which the above is a
- copy also that his ancestry were farmers,
- persons of information, and respectability [sic]
- men of influence and nominated and
- second in public offices of the places in
- which they lived also that his great
Page 11, Column 2
- grandfather’s name was John and it
- is probable that he was the refugee
- as the revocation occurred in 1695.
- His grandfather’s name was Jonathan
- Born 1703, died aged 90 in 1773
- In the gazettes of the state of Connecticut
- it is mentioned that Johnathan Pettit was
- one of the first settlers of the town of
- Sharron, which is ^in the north west
- corner of that state, He was the grand
- father mentioned of our grandfathers of
- the same name. His father’s name
- was John named after the Hugono
- ancestor, and his mother’s name was
- Hannah Dunham, daughter of
- Samuel Dunham also one of the first
- settlers of Sharon, and of Welsh origin
- John Pettit died young leaving a family
- of six children. Four sons and two
- daughters after the death of his father
- Born July 25, 1752 only 69 years after the revocation
- our grandfather ^ Johnathan Pettit was
- apprenticed, bound to learn the trade
- of a tanner and shoemaker, the two
- trades being one in those early days
- at the age of seventeen. I have heard
- him say often that he never went to
- school but one day and a half
- in that early day it did not in this
- new world, require a capitol to set
- one’s self up in the trades. A man
- possessed of that was the artist of his
- own fortunes. So when our grand
- father came to his majority he
- settled himself, sunk his vats
- and prepared himself to commit
- into leather the skins of animals
- killed for the sustenance of the new
- settlers, in the wild of saratoga.
- here he set up housekeeping hired
- a scotch woman to do the work
- boarded his journeyman and apprentice
Page 12, Column 1
- boys this was in the year 1773
- meantime among the many who were
- attracted to the now celebrated town of
- Saratoga was a man named ^George Riddel
- from Freehold Monmouth Co N Jersey
- pure scotch Irish of the genuine John
- Knox type of Presbyterians of keen
- quick intellect. A weaver by trade
- and occupation. emigrated to America
- from country uncertain[?] his native
- place at the age of twenty years
- his wife Margaret Melegan was
- brought to America when a child
- of eight years by her uncle
- David Rae and bound to a Dutch
- family name forgotten by whom
- she was brought up in the habits
- of industry, economy and thrift
- peculiar to that nation of people.
- The family consisted of four daughters
- and one son ^born November 2, 1755 the oldest to whom
- our grandfather Johnathan Pettit
- married ^in 1775 after an acquaintance of
- six weeks. Polly or Mary who
- married twice, first husbands name
- Dunham probably a cousin of our
- ancestor the second Daniels Margaret
- married a very pious man an
- Irishman tailor by trade who after
- many years of respectability proved
- to be a thief and in his shame
- ran away leaving a large family
- He never was heard from
- but his children were all very
- respectable people and highly intellect-
- ual if James Finn is an exception
- on account of his infidelity
- made one by the investigations
- of doctrines of the Calvinistic
- creed as I have heard him
- [last line under fold of page]
Page 12, Column 2
- Elizabeth married an Irishman a tailor
- named Laverty also very pious but was
- subject to sprees when he abused his
- wife as drunken brutes are apt to do
- between times he was a thorough goin[?]
- Methodist the son David by name
- also married and raised a very respectable
- family After the marriage of our grandfather
- to Agnes Riddel in 1774 they lived in
- Saratoga until two years previous to the
- commencement of the revolutionary war
- they remained in Saratoga until after
- the town of Schenectady was burned
- by Tories and Indians as was not uncommon
- in those times of trial. “brother was against
- brother the father against the daughters. As
- there were strong partisan feelings in both
- families but great grandfather Riddle being
- a born subject of the British Crown continued[?]
- loyal to that party also a part of the
- Pettit family were what was called Tories
- grandfather and his brother James and one
- sister were of the Revolutionary party
- The brother Dunham Pettit was one of the number
- of whom General Washington said he hoped
- they would go to Ne**** but they went
- go by the way of *** **** [Nova Scotia?] and this same
- Dunham Pettit was father of John Pettit the
- Democratic member of Congress from
- Indiana, Seemingly inheriting the strong
- Democratic principles of his tory father
- one of the sisters was married to a tory
- named Bissell also emigrated after the
- war to Canada. This Bissel was put
- into jail at Saratoga for some offense
- of his party. and the morning of the
- day in which he was to be tried
- it was discovered that he had escaped and
- our great grandmother Pettit’s blanket
- made into a rope
Page 13, Column 1
- The notorious Jones, who sent for
- his sweet heart and betrothed
- Jeannie McCrea[?] by in****
- and by whom she was murdered
- was a cousin on the mother’s side
- Jones is a Welch name and he held
- a commission in the royal army, but
- his name is only mentioned in con-
- nection with a deed of honor.
- The brother James Pettit died during
- the war, and his great grandparents always
- spoke of him with much affection
- He was engaged to Margaret Riddel
- the same who married the thief Finn.
- After the burning of the town Schenee
- ltady our grandparents moved to Albany
- for greater security. They both took a
- very active part in the stirring times and
- grandfather was made captain of the
- city guards and held office till the
- close of the war was an intimate
- personal friend of General Schuler
- and at one time being at fort Schuler
- at Utica he experienced religion and
- after in the account of his religious
- experience would maintain many
- circumstances connected with the times
- He was baptised also grandmother in
- the Hudson River at Albany and ***
- from the first Baptist church in that city
- grandmother being the first woman
- baptised by immersion at that place
- The ceremony was performed by elder
- Jacon Statton an English Baptist When
- grandfather was coming up out of the
- baptismal waters, an old Dutch
- gentleman was heard to exclaim
- friend Pettit is right, for just as I
- read it in my old Duitch Bible
Page 13, Column 2
- In the statement before mentioned
- We learn that our grandfather and Peter
- *** Yates a lawyer set up the first
- ^Latin Grammar school in the city of Albany
- and ^was taught by George Merchant
- our father James Pettit was born in
- the city of Albany April 13 1777
- at the age of seven years he was sent
- to NYork to attend a grammar school
- and was at that school taught by
- Elder Holmes[?] the elements of latin
- also writing the peculiar hand we all
- so well know, At the age of eight
- years he attended the latin school at
- Albany and made great proficiency
- Our grandfather we would infer
- possessed an enterprising business
- capacity for remembering as I do
- the many conversations and
- reminiscence held between my
- grandparents of journeys to NYork
- of frequent occurrence and he owned
- in company with another man a
- sloop which they named after their
- wives Mary Agnes. Besides this
- regular business, he engaged in the
- lumber trade and at one time have
- invested largely in the construction
- of an immense raft and had it
- ^*** as he thought anchored in NYork harbor. There
- occurred a terrible gale in the
- night, the raft brock up and was
- carried out to sea and as grand
- mother always remarked he was
- two proud to remain in Albany
- a poor man. A circumstance
- she never forgave him for and
- when our father was ten years
- of age he moved into the wilder
- ness in the town of Mayfield
Page 14, Column 1
- with a family of small children
- There he built a church, established
- a school was always very active and
- engaged heart in hand the
- promotion of any improvements for
- the general good. By reference to
- dates in my possession they
- must have lived in Mayfield
- six or seven years when the spirit
- of unrest or a desire to improve
- his fortunes he again moved
- into a new community with a
- family this time consisting of
- children from twenty years
- down to infants in arms
- There also he built up churches
- helped form them into associations
- Preached in layman however
- and was justice of the peace for
- thirteen consecutive years.
- There on the banks of the Chenango
- River it was that golden-hair
- Met in a spirit of mischief
- drank the health of a **** young
- stranger to whom she was married
- after great opposition bashful every
- member of her family. She was
- their housekeeper and they meant
- to keep her in that capacity as the
- mother had gone to her rest.
- Another reason for their opposition
- Was the superior cultivation
- and intellectual attainment of the
- family into which she would
- be introduced. So after serving
- three as housekeeper and
- maid of all work, she went out
- from a house where she had
- received the blessings of that
- large household perfectly
Page 14, Column 2
- empty handed. She was not allowed a
- scrap of the scores of linen she had manufac
- tured with her own hands. She went
- with her young husband at her marriage
- 5 day of November 1797 to his father’s
- home were scenes new and strange
- were opened up to her craving heart
- she had early determined to marry a man
- if she ever should to whom she could look
- up, her superior in advantages of education
- There she found her ideal her quick sense
- Taught her how in the home of her young
- husband opportunities appeared and she was glad
- to improve and educate herself up to his
- Standards she had said she would never
- mary a man of whom she would be ash
- ashamed and she determined to so improve
- that he should not be ashamed of her
- it was something new to her to
- see the large dining table left standing
- in the middle of the floor, candles lighted
- and set around while the member of
- the household each with his favourite
- book drew up to enjoy in his own way
- the evening hour after there would be discussions
- in different subjects the favourite ones being
- politics and religion the doctrines and creeds
- also the histories of nations their political
- and religions poetry also Shakespeare and
- all the old poets were their common
- reading our great grandparents were educated
- far beyond their times as also their children
- both their faces and manners indicated
- their moral and intellectual standing.
- our grandmother was naturally beyond
- the littleness of ignorant ***** women
- of her time. she enjoyed the society of
- cultivated men. she enjoyed arguing
- with ministers and politicians and
- she was a match for any of them.
Page 15, Column 1
- After a few weeks in the home of
- her husband golden hair felt that it
- would be better to go to house
- Her husband was teaching
- the school in the neighborhood
- and would be at home nights.
- But where could they find a
- house, a room even. The aged
- grandmother Pettit was living with
- her son and grandfather besides
- there were children of every age
- from eighteen down to the baby, a
- daughter who was the child of their
- old age. Grandfather still carried on
- the business of tanning leather. So
- goldenhair asked the one of the
- Curry shop for the winter to set up
- her housekeeping, and they took
- their little belongings, a bed with an
- improvised[?] bedstead, a little chest, which
- was her own, her mothers gift and
- had been brought from Connecticut
- which for the time being, served as
- a table. not a chair, not a stool
- only as her husband made it, a few
- dishes where brought, and three golden
- spun flax to make her linen and
- their own clothing sitting on that
- same little chest which still is
- in existence in sister Harriet’s
- Lumber chamber, and there in due
- course of time her eldest child
- was born. Her father gave her
- a cow in the spring, and her
- husband made trays of bass
- wood to set the milk in, which
- tray she always kept. But they
- did not long live in the easy state
- nor did their homemade furniture
- long consist of a chest and a bed,
Page 15, Column 2
- Grandfather Pettit gave his son eight
- acres of land, and there grew a log home, and
- the husband taught the schools in winter
- and could make shoes if he had any to
- make as he with all the sons were learned
- the trade of their fathers. It was after the
- birth of their second daughter that
- the young husband caught a cold which
- laid him up for a year, and it was feared
- that he would die of consumption but
- after regaining somewhat of health
- again, he found that his constitution
- was imperial unfitted him for labour
- and then it happened that he studied
- the profession of medicine, with Dr.
- Greenby[?] of Hamilton village, moved
- his little family there, built a neat
- little house, and golden hair, boarded
- General King and others, their supporting
- them while her husband studied. He
- after would get discouraged, and so
- she intimated herself in his studies
- and became as versed and as thoroughly
- as he did, and then by her very force
- of character he obtained his diploma
- and was even a very successful pract-
- It was a struggle for the first
- few years. But after a time he settled
- in the town of Fabius in Onondago Co
- Grandfather went there with a baptist
- minister to organize a new church and
- form an association of churches. The
- place was new and no one[?] in many
- miles, and he then and there made
- arrangements for our father to move
- Brother James was an infant in
- arms at that time. He prospered in
- every way there, bought land built a
- nice home, and it was the place where
- as one see things, he should have lived
- and died
Page 16, Column 1
- In the course of time several merges[?]
- were made, and also it fell to their lot
- to have the care of our grandparents in
- their old age, fourteen years. They
- sleep in the cemetery in Cazenovia
- side by side. They having died within
- two months of each other, grandfather
- aged eighty one, grandmother 78
- After those happenings my parents moved
- to Fredonia Chautauqua Co in 1835
- Grandfather died May 24, 1849
- aged 72 years
- Our mother the golden hair of my
- story died 1859 Feb 16, aged 81
- years 11 months 13 days
- And now in this 20 day of July 1878
- I bring my narrative to a close began
- eleven years ago. It was commissioned[?]
- as stated in the beginning, but as I
- proceeded I felt more and more inter-
- ist in the work until I here brought
- it down to the decease of our parents
- It is not without a just degree of
- pride of ancestry that I have jotted
- down some of the most prominent
- features of the lines of my forefathers,
- Still I cannot give full appreciation
- of the general characteristics of our
- mother, her strong good common sense,
- her warm****, her dignity
- her truthfulness, her virtue, her
- Neither of the courteousness
- the gentlemanliness of my father, his
- intellect, his highly cultivated mind
- his sense of justice and prosperity
- His benevolence of heart, which made
- him one of the earliest abolitionists, who
- bore the stigma of the party, also his
- religion without hypocracy[?], Let me
- sum it all up, a true man, and of
- my mother, a true woman
Page 16, Column 2
- [blank]
- [blank]
- November 19, 1878,
- After the decease of my sister Harriet
- which occurred the 13 September 1878, and
- who came to that old home with our
- parents, and who helped to make it the
- pleasant place it was, the duty of look
- ing over the papers, letters & of the family
- the date of some extending back to the year
- 1783, has ****** on me, Voluminous
- as it was, I have opened with very few
- exceptions every letter or paper, many
- of which I read through looked all over
- so as to know their contents, and what
- most forcibly impressed me was the
- strong religious vein of pure and
- uncorrupted religion that pervaded
- every one without exception,
- irrespective of the subject in
- hand, also the high sense of
- honor, honor between man and
- man, in all business relations
- also the respectful manners each
- addressed the other, especially
- between husband and wife,
- also between children and
- parents, and the strong affection
- and duty of parents to their
- children
[1] Rev, Charles Backus
[2] This quotation appears to be copied from a book titled Elements of General History: Ancient and Modern by By Lord Alexander Fraser Tytler Woodhouselee and published in 1831.
NOTE: This transcription is imperfect and will be revised and corrected as time permits. All revisions will be tracked in a change log at the bottom of the page. If you would like to comment on something, want clarification on something or would like to try to decipher a missing word, please leave a comment below.