Pettit Family Trees

Take me to the trees!

The goal of this particular project is to see how far back one can trace their Pettit ancestors using reliable sources.  (To see how what we consider “reliable sources” click here). We are going to do this in a very strict manner.  It is not the intent of this project to disrespect or shame anyone for having an unproven line. The goal is to spotlight weak links in the genealogies and hopefully help researchers focus on those areas.  By drawing attention to unproven connections we may discover that the older lineage is in error.  With the amazing DNA research that has been done by the team over at the Pettit Pilgrim Project, now is the perfect time to take a second look at your tree because the genetic research being conducted relies on accurate genealogy.  We need to work together to get these lineages right to take full advantage of what the DNA research has to offer.

Reliable Sources vs Primary and Secondary Sources

By definition, a primary source is a record created at the time of the event by someone with a first hand connection to it.  A primary source is a solid dependable document.  A secondary source has a very broad definition but it is essentially any source that is not a primary one.  Secondary sources can be extremely reliable, or they can be flat wrong.  We want genealogies we can depend on.  The term “reliable source” will be used herein to describe either type of source, primary or secondary, which can be relied upon to prove a logical connection beyond a reasonable doubt.  This is because a total reliance on primary sources can occasionally lead to the exclusion of reliable secondary sources.  An example of a reliable secondary source would be a family bible record listing the names and birthdays of children written by the father sometime after their birth.  Since it was not created at the time of the event, it is technically a secondary source but obviously the father would know who his children were.  An example of an unreliable secondary source would be a 200 year old book which gives a list of children in a family of which the author had no connection and did not cite where his information came from.  Maybe the book  is correct.  Maybe it is not.  It would provide valuable clues but cannot be depended upon as a reliable source.

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